We Can’t Wait to Welcome You to Our Family
At Mahaffey Linkous Orthodontics, you’ll receive advanced, high-quality care from the friendliest, most welcoming family of orthodontic care experts.
What to Expect
Family-Friendly Environment
During your first visit, you will be greeted by our friendly staff, take a tour of our beautifully updated office space, and relax in our comfortable reception area or library.
Knowledgeable Team Members
The Mahaffey Linkous Orthodontics doctors and team will meet with every new patient to review their diagnostic records, perform an exam, and talk with you about the best course of action to achieve your confident smile.
High-Tech Assessment
Your free consultation includes photos and an X-ray so that Dr. Mahaffey and Dr. Linkous can accurately assess all aspects of your smile, including your teeth and jaw structure.
When necessary, we can also produce 3D renderings of different options to help you and your orthodontist choose your best plan.
Financial & Insurance Information
If you’re looking for superior quality orthodontic treatment that is also affordable, then you’ve found the right place!
Our goal is to ensure finances never stand in the way of achieving the confident smile you deserve! We offer various payment options to fit your budget.
We Accept Dental Insurance
Insurance helps cover the cost of orthodontic treatment, making straightening your teeth even more affordable.
If your dental insurance plan includes orthodontic coverage, we will gladly apply the benefit toward treatment!
Patient Forms
Please complete our new patient forms and bring them to your free consultation at our Peachtree City office.
Free Consult
Take the first step to your new smile with a free consultation at Mahaffey Linkous Orthodontics.
Patient Rewards
We're exÂcitÂed for you to parÂticÂiÂpate in our fun-filled reÂward proÂgram. Earn points for varÂiÂous acÂtivÂiÂties such as conÂtest and surÂvey parÂticÂiÂpaÂtion, and soÂcial enÂgageÂment. ReÂdeem points for cool prizes and more.